👾 Marty You can choose one streaming service (Netflix, Hulu, etc.). Which one do you choose and why?
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Kye youtube
4y, 7w reply
Grendel Honestly I'd choose youtube. It has a ton of content and there is always something new.
4y, 7w reply
Dan Heath Has to be said that whilst Netflix are leading massively, they're not being lazy about it. At least they're throwing out a huge amount of original content and there's something for everyone. I'm not a big screen guy but some of the human-centric docudramas are real good.
4y, 7w reply
💻 Muhammad Rizqi Honestly I'm gonna choose Netflix. It's the only one that available in my country.
4y, 7w reply
Sivaram Yadala Mubi, for its unique and indigenous content.
4y, 7w reply
👁️ Mbladra Popcorn time
4y, 7w reply
Gorky Park Prime because you can add other higher quality film organizations with it (HBO, Showtime, ect).
4y, 7w reply
The Last Twitch because I could interact with a niche set of people and feel less consumed by the media.
4y, 7w reply
🧔 Justin Youtube is the only video content I watch these days. I'd probably be more productive if you took it away from me, too.
4y, 7w 1 reply
Ganesh Khade getintention chrome extension
4y, 7w reply
🥝 Mr I'm interpreting this as all forms of media streaming, so Spotify. Movie theaters are still a thing, TV is still a thing, Live music is hard to come by and $20 albums are a thing of the past.
4y, 7w reply
📉 Bill Netflix because that's all I use currently
4y, 7w reply
🎣 Fish i recently got kicked out of someones netflix and checked out hulu since it comes with my spotify service. Definitely choose netflix, hulu aint shit compared its practically knock off movies that you watch on airplanes
🔻 Trinity Any movies you recommend there? Friend of mine lets me use his Hulu, Disney, Netflix, etc but I can never find anything good on Netflix.