🌊 Zero Two subreply does not have a clear focus. Unlike a subreddit where people are seeking a specific type of content. rn it just feels like one big chat room with little common topics. IDK if that is a good or bad thing.
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❄️ Geoff I think this format organized around subtopics Could be really popular
4y, 7w reply
💻 Kernel If you are looking for a new reddit replacement checkout dev.lemmy.ml. Federated reddit is the future.
4y, 7w reply
🔚 Bort Simpson As long as we can stamp out right wing / racist / white opinions entirely, then I think this platform could be a contender... otherwise it will be relegated to the dustbin as with any other sad whiteboi nationalism project
4y, 7w reply
🧔 Justin I like that you can start a conversation about anything, and it doesn't depend on finding an article on that topic first.
4y, 7w reply
Jayden It's more of a twitter replacement than reddit. We're just using it as reddit through trending and search because it's really small. If it ever blows up then your feed is where you're going to spend your time.
4y, 7w reply
🍃 Matt Harwood Does it need a clear focus? If, like you say, there are subreddits for everything you need, maybe it works to have subreply as a group chat, exposing us to things we might not normally talk about? :)
4y, 7w 1 reply
🧬 Thomas It's really hard to remember which conversations you've chosen to participate in.
4y, 7w reply
🌚 Nlggers Perhaps hashtags could serve as a function for topic based thread organization.
🌊 Zero Two but links to everything with t i and l
4y, 7w reply
🎲 Jamie Hashtags would be nice, but it as above says, the search is not quite there yet.
4y, 7w 1 reply
😏 Yt L. Perhaps with time, and maybe more users, people can start to organize into sub-networks with shared interests, by followers or hashtags.
4y, 8w 1 reply
☕ David Antoine had something like that with channels I think, or was it hashrefs? It was not Sublevel but another experiment. Multithread? I don't remember, it was more than two years ago I think... EDIT: Superthread! I think...
4y, 8w reply