🏒 Lucian Marin Should I send an email to the last active people announcing Subreply?
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M_dow Thanks for sending something! I had forgotten about it, but it's nice to have a quiet space on the web.
4y, 10w reply
🕹ī¸ Andrew Thanks for the email!
4y, 10w reply
Haaktu Thanks for the email! And subreply!
4y, 12w reply
Jason Pittam Thanks for the email. Bookmarking this and keeping it as open tab!
4y, 12w reply
Cangibrina I didn't remember that this network existed
4y, 12w reply
Seth Kontny Happy to be back
4y, 12w reply
Shaun Moynihan Good to be back!
4y, 12w reply
Tamal White Yay I forgot about this service until I got the email :)
4y, 12w reply
đŸĻŠ Captain Wenworth Thanks for the email! I had forgotten about sublevel, but I really like the concept, and will try to make more use of it!
4y, 12w reply
David Hall Thanks for the email! I hadn't forgotten, just wandered off to micro.blog...
4y, 12w reply
đŸĩ David Thanks for sending the email. I have already forgotten about it, because it has changed names--and TLDs--four(?) times now.
4y, 12w 1 reply
Iea I've got 4 saved for this username/password in 1Password.
4y, 12w reply
🤔 John Yes! I found it eventually...
4y, 13w 1 reply
Burensasub Yay! Welcome back!
4y, 13w reply
Burensasub Yes! and I can try to get a few other people to join as well
4y, 13w 1 reply
Diva Yes! Let's do it
4y, 13w reply