Rsm A prayer-poem based on verses from Psalm 43
··· 2y, 34w reply ¬
Ice If you could, how would you personally improve the UX of this site?
☕ Christopher I hate to pile on with the same answers others are given but the minimalist approach is definitely the way to go and making all sections of the threads independently collapsable would go a very long way.
3y, 41w 1 reply
Mihail So far i'm impressed by the UX. I'd like to be able to see more context (original post + replies) in the search section. The replies on their own don't mean much without the context.
Ice agreed. I love the minimalist approach overall. I personally see an upcoming roadblock where the replies being un-collapsable and the UX you mentioned might be difficult to scale as the user base grows...
3y, 41w reply
Bugabinga I did the same. Then I realised the only game I like is StarCraft 2. No sc2 on Linux. FML.
7y, 1w reply
Mark Dain PSA: Not backing up your music because you purchased it through iTunes doesn't count. I just lost an album I loved because it was pulled from the iTunes Store; I can't redownload it :(
Eric Rarely use iTunes to buy anymore, Bandcamp is my new favourite company. So easy to buy and such a great environment for bands (so I can tell). Streaming and a downloadable zip file of all the mp3s if you do buy a song or album, fantastic if you're a music "hipster".
Nkrs How is it possible for them to take something away if you paid for it?
7y, 47w 3 replies
Mark Dain Went mountain biking with a friend, was going well till I went downhill, lost control and went over the handlebars. Hit my head pretty hard. I'm in the emergency room waiting to have someone look at my cuts -- I'll probably be ok but it's more of a precaution. Everyone take this as a PSA: wear a fucking helmet. Don't be that guy who doesn't. I'm lucky to have survived that without any major injuries.
8y, 36w reply ¬
Eric This site provides sad laughter. (I'm not the Eric who created the site btw)
Dongsung Kim A similar but lengthy one:
8y, 50w 1 reply
Mark Dain Looks like the size went up by itself. Are you keeping the originals we upload?
💬 Subreply No, just upsampling. Images needed to be progressive and have to same size for API.
9y, 14w reply
Martijn PSA: please stop confusing mark-up language with programming languages. HTML and XML are not programming languages, no matter how confusing they may seem to you.
9y, 27w 1 reply ¬
🉑 Vincent Leeuw Heh, this always bothered me as well. Working on HTML/CSS at a web portal, people just threw me in with the programmers. I guess it makes sense from a 'garbled page of characters makes things happen' point of view, but there's a stark difference nonetheless.
9y, 27w reply