Deep How do you manage your read list? Where do you bookmark things to read? I have been using and it's been amazing for deep reading an entire article and then share your views.
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Dan Heath I tend to write books I want to read in a shared note with my wife. She uses it for gift ideas, I use it to keep track of what I want. Then I've just got a whole shelf of unread books which I pick up when I finish another one.
4y, 22w reply
Burensasub Thank you for sharing these useful ideas for managing reading lists! Saving this thread
4y, 22w reply
Lewis Walsh Articles, as in journalism and essay, I save to Pocket. Anything technical I bookmark with Pinboard with the tag 'topdf'. I have a program I wrote that runs every morning at 4am which grabs new pins tagged 'topdf' and renders them out to a PDF file on
4y, 22w reply
🧿 Andrea I save it to pocket with the browser extension; every day 15min of these readings are sent to my kindle with a service I found online
4y, 22w reply
😖 Pratyush Mittal I use It allows me add my notes. It also provides full-text search and a cached copy forever. But the best is the search feature to see who else bookmarked that same page. It provides good content discovery.
4y, 22w reply
Jayden I have a big "media to consume" note file broken down in to headings; Shows, movies, books, and articles. Then under each specific entry I include why the item made the list which is often a comment copy and pasted from reddit or hn. Other times it's things like "also wrote x which you really enjoyed". I find that context is important otherwise when I come back to the list I'm just like "why the hell did I want to read about y?" and don't bother.
4y, 22w 1 reply
Rajath This is really good. I should start doing this :)
4y, 22w reply
🌌 Tom I use for all sorts of lists, reading being one of them. super simple to set up public or private collections and then bookmark things with the browser extension
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âš« Aaron I dump it all into Notion using their bookmarklet. It doesn't always work great though if I forget to tag something. Going to check out readup.
4y, 22w reply