Software engineer in BoC, Essex, UK
Miso I'm looking for book recommendation - what's your all time favorite?
Lewis Walsh I avoided Stephen King for a long time, but honestly he's really good. Particularly The Stand. Also John Le Carre.
4y, 21w reply
Deep How do you manage your read list? Where do you bookmark things to read? I have been using and it's been amazing for deep reading an entire article and then share your views.
Lewis Walsh Articles, as in journalism and essay, I save to Pocket. Anything technical I bookmark with Pinboard with the tag 'topdf'. I have a program I wrote that runs every morning at 4am which grabs new pins tagged 'topdf' and renders them out to a PDF file on
4y, 22w reply
🐵 Max How to ensure this place will not become toxic, as some other social media platforms can be?
Lewis Walsh No hashtags!
4y, 22w reply
Lewis Walsh I like the premise of this.
4y, 22w reply ¬