4y, 23w
103 replies
💪 Joe
Moderation is hard and necessary
4y, 23w
9 replies
🗨️ Fui
I agree -- some sort of moderation is needed. Contrary to what Descartes thought, common sense is not the most widely distributed thing in the world. And with internet anonimity comes all the noise brought by trolls.
4y, 23w
1 reply
🦆 Matt Costa
I've got to agree. Decided to show my partner what I was looking at, her response was "will be, or soon will be, full of racists like Gab". My response was "It's just a niche hacker crowd, very benign". She claimed victory in one page click.
4y, 23w
2 replies
🤔 David
Be the change that you want to see. If you do not support this form of content, speak out. Participation matters in society. The loudest voice is heard first.
4y, 23w
🔚 Bort Simpson
Remember, only white people can be racist because racism is privilege + power.
4y, 23w
🔚 Bort Simpson
It is my opinion that you are wrong, Joe Wrong
4y, 23w
1 reply