Zero Edge I've seen the total solar eclipse but had not thought of using a pair of binoculars. I might try that out if I can make it to the one we should be experiencing soon. I suppose you're right that the sun would be too blocked out to experience any burn of the retina during the total eclipse.
β˜• David Antoine You'll be fine and you won't regret it, just don't get carried out by the spectacle and stop watching at it when you know that the end of the total phase approaches. Always Keep that in mind, you don't want to be on the binoculars when the first ray of light pops out from the lunar limb... Besides, as you experienced it, it is wonderful to enter and leave the total phase by soaking in the abrupt change in the surrounding environment with your naked eyes.
🦿 Lucian Marin I stared multiple times at the sun. I don't think the burn is permanent.
β˜• David Antoine I hope for you... My eyesight is pretty "fragile", I've to be careful not to expose my eyes to a very concentrated bright light or I get permanent burns, which I already have. Not too bad overall, just annoying. But the apprehension is a bit stressful sometimes. LED lights are a nightmare for me. I curse them.
Zero Edge If you stared straight at a total eclipse with no protection you might burn the retina of your eyes. The burn would not be the same kind of burn you would receive from staring straight at the sun (which would be a filled circle) but instead would be a thin outline of a circle. I wonder if a person with this type of burn would have differing psychological traits than others. I wonder if they would be able to visually focus on things better than others considering they have a boundary circle permanently within their vision. I wonder if it changed the culture of peoples of ancient times if they happened stare at a total eclipse...
🦿 Lucian Marin I stared multiple times at the sun. I don't think the burn is permanent.
β˜• David Antoine Looking directly at the sun is unsafe except during the brief total phase of a solar eclipse, when the moon entirely blocks the sun's apparent disk. You have to be careful not to look at the sun in any other circumstances. During a total solar eclipse maximum phase, you can even look at it with binoculars, it's incredible. But you have to be aware of the time and stop staring at it when the end of the total phase approaches. A "thin outline of a circle" burn would probably occur if you have the bad idea of looking at an annular eclipse during the max phase, with binoculars and no protection. Having eye burn damage suck. Zero uplift.
··· 8w 2 replies
Zero Edge There is a huge host of people out there who think their race is superior to your race. They think given equal circumstance. Equal upbringing. On average their race will always perform better than your race. Because of this they find it necessary to pander to your race because according to them your race is inferior to their race. According to them your race is incapable of accomplishments without their race. "White Savior Complex". It's racism and if you call them out on it they will call you the racist instead. Manipulators gonna manipulate. Watch out!
β˜• David Antoine "According to them your race is incapable of accomplishments without their race." You basically defined colonialism, more or less... Thanks. And yes, racism is an integral part of it . Total intolerance and visceral revulsion for any ethnicity other than the one of the colonizer. The word racism in itself is pretty stupid _btw_, there is only one human race, Homo Sapiens... Frenchies in colonized Algeria did have a pretty acute complex of superiority... Let's just say the White / WASP colonialist handbook is now very well stuffed with horrendous psychotic acts. White washing it is the recurrent manipulation.
🦧 Simon Gray πŸ₯±πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«πŸ’€ So tired. Having a bedtime so early it gets its own brag post.
Zero Edge There were people in the crowd before his speech was even over saying "after the speech were storming the capitol", half the people in the crowd couldn't even hear his speech because the speakers were so bad, he said what the people were already thinking "that election was like no other that we have ever witnessed", we didn't need a person to tell us what we saw, we saw it with our own eyes, this man couldn't convince his base to take a vaccine he was critically involved in, are we blind sheep when we use our own judgement to decide what is right and wrong. Your bias is obvious and so is mine, but one is truth and one is politics.
🀷 Rudi Steam summer sale will end soon, should I get sons of the forest, or green hell, or everdream valley, or... 😡
··· 40w reply ¬
πŸ—Ώ Jonah I tried writing something!
Seth Sup posties πŸ‘€
🦿 Lucian Marin If they allow alternative browsers then I might buy an iPad Mini after all.
β˜• David Antoine For Europe only yes. Apparently. But I don't know how they will implement it without cutting in their revenue cow that the App Store is... Will see.
πŸ˜€ Tom Does Hacker News count as social media?
😁 Nitin Khanna social media, as in where you go to consume content and read people's comments and have conversations? Yes. Social network, as in where you go to hang out with friends? Nope!
1y, 18w reply
πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» William Young Depends on definition, but I would say yes. It is a medium for people to share ideas and discuss them.
1y, 20w reply
πŸ˜€ Tom How did you like it? Have you heard that they are going to adapt the novels into a TV series?
β˜” Johannes I liked it a lot, actually. One of my favorite sci-fi series. And yes, I think I heard something about that! The Wandering Earth was made into a movie in 2019, but it seems kind of so-so unfortunately, I hope Remembrance of Earth's Past does better.
1y, 21w 1 reply
πŸ‘½ Arthur Colle Returned to Miami yesterday, loved visiting my family and seeing the highly lovable Foofoo πŸ•β€πŸ¦Ί
1y, 21w reply ¬
πŸ˜€ Tom I think it's a joke on "cookies".
β™ŸοΈ Inverse Replica This πŸ˜ƒTom is quite the sly fox
1y, 22w reply
Zero Edge This thread on hackernews has me completely baffled: news.ycombinator.c... . I cannot imagine debugging without a debugger. People in the thread act like step debugging you simply step through the entire code and don't simply place breakpoints at the places you want to look. I am so confused... I mean I use print every once in a while but I cannot imagine the kind time I would waste not using a proper debugger. Maybe I am just spoiled using Visual Studio and other modern ide's suck? You're telling me you print an entire hash table to inspect a few elements for improper data??
πŸ˜Άβ€πŸŒ«οΈ Gianguido Just yesterday I was working on a niche system, trying to debug a piece of code running on said system: I wish I had a debugger handy. The reality is sometimes you simply don't have one available, and the only alternative is adding printf's, recompile, flash/run... it gets tiring but that's the way it is!
1y, 35w 1 reply
🀷 Rudi Oh my goodness, I've been trying to re-discover Subreply for a long time (at least more than 2 years), wondering why I didn't bookmark it, and even misremembering it as substack (my mind is a mess πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«). But today I found it again! Thanks to HN πŸ₯² (I believe the first time I discovered Subreply was also on HN πŸ˜…).
πŸ˜’ Isoprep I vaguely remember it being posted to HN in the past, but I couldn't remember the name no matter how hard I tried. Saw it again on HN today, and my password manager let me know I had an account on here - that I'd used a bit 2 years ago and then completely forgotten about!
1y, 35w 1 reply