🦧 Simon Gray Big election to UK's left while the US Repuplicans announce Order 66 IRL, it's like politics is trying to compete with the climate's wild swings.
🦧 Simon Gray Had a dream I was a fill-in bass player for Metallica for a concert in my home town. Don't play instruments IRL, nor am I that big a fan of Metallica.
🦧 Simon Gray Tiktok has launched two Instagram clones sans video? Tiktok is reversing tiktokification?
🏒 Lucian Marin Considering Instagram is all about videos now, Whee is an welcome development. VSCO should have been an amazing Instagram alternative but they blew it with bad design decisions.
🦧 Simon Gray 🍪What Oreo flavours pair best with a dry martini? I'm not sure I'm getting this right. 🍸
🦧 Simon Gray If we grew extra limbs when we put on weight, we'd bodyshame those centipedes.
🦧 Simon Gray Image Description: A bunch of alphabet letters jumbled together alleging coherence.
🦧 Simon Gray It's International Masturbation Day, & I won't be sharing. That wouldn't be in the spirit of the day.
🦧 Simon Gray If you experience a catharsis, have you catharted?
🦧 Simon Gray All eating is just reverse shelving.
🦧 Simon Gray Settings to filter out food blogging during Ramadan? Edit: FoodBlocker Chrome extension!
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🦧 Simon Gray Finally watched the Barbie movie after it won the Oscar, in 1988. Recent remake strays very far from the source material, so I hear.
🏒 Lucian Marin Watch the remake too. It's better to have atomic blondes than atomic bombs.
🦧 Simon Gray For those still putting it out there in the universe, please respect most consider it more polite to flush.
🦧 Simon Gray Be great to see users who block/report as a percentage from total users, then compare platforms.
🦧 Simon Gray Rewatched so many X-files I'm dreaming new episodes.
🦧 Simon Gray Have they made a Masterchef where the judges are stoners with the munchies?
🏒 Lucian Marin In Romania you can't tell the difference. Even Andrew Tate can "cook" something here.
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