Rsm Have gone back more to posting to my own little microblog site. For all the positives I may find here or there, there's nothing like having control of your own data. (Is there an export option on #subreply?)
🗨️ Fui Yeah. It's very liberating to have control over our data. I'm a bit of school on that regard. I prize having everything (significant) local. Our data, our rules!
4y, 1w reply
🗨️ Fui You're right. Is there any server/channel for people coming from subreply?
👨🏻‍💻 Moroni Not that I'm aware of. Subreply and IRC serves different purposes, so I don't think there is a channel anywhere.
4y, 7w reply
Nikita Che Trying to figure out the best use for
4y, 8w reply ¬
🔺 Erno Hopearuoho Feedback form would be nice. Currently I'm just spamming my feedback with tag and hoping that notices at some point :)
🌌 Tom agreed!
4y, 9w reply
🌌 Tom would be awesome if we were able to reply to our own posts to create twitter-esque threads
4y, 9w reply ¬
🙌 Victor Who built ? What was the first message ever posted on the platform?
🌌 Tom wow, the progressive web app is really nice on iOS
Romain it's nice on the web too :)
4y, 9w reply
🙌 Victor What is the best way to discover people to follow?
🍃 Matt Harwood So far I think there's just Trending and Search (which shows messages in chronological order)
🔺 Erno Hopearuoho A lot of scrolling required, especially on the Trending section. Would be nice to be able to fold threads and maybe not display all replies by default. My guess is that most people who open Trending only see top one or two threads (due to the large amount of replies), showing only the original post of each would help discovery.
🗨️ Fui I agree. Subreply must have a folding button.
🧩 Ben i guess it would add some extra javascript... this is the entire js file:
4y, 9w reply
🔺 Erno Hopearuoho Another weird functionality. Clicking open a search for "", but returns everything that contains "subreply" (without the hashtag). In order to search for the hashtag itself you need to search "##subreply". This doesn't seem to be working as it should?
4y, 9w reply ¬
🔺 Erno Hopearuoho It seems that 'Search' open a feed of latest content in the platform in chronological order. Does anyone else feel like the 'reply' button should read 'thread'?
💹 Rj 'Thread' would make sense only if it went to the first post of the thread which is not always the case.