☝️ Jean-David Moisan
Have you seen The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel? It's on Amazon Prime.
💹 Rj
No I haven't. Thanks! Will do.
4y, 12w
💹 Rj
Hey Subreply, any good new series to watch? I just finished Little Fires Everywhere, as a drama drama it was excellent. Any recommendations?
4y, 12w
3 replies
☝️ Jean-David Moisan
Have you seen The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel? It's on Amazon Prime.
Michael Toomim
Nice music.
🐜 Pepijn
Hello stranger!
🔺 Erno Hopearuoho
Good point. I guess it's more like 'context' then. Main problem for me here is that the Search feed is currently the main route to discover new content and messages there are removed from all context. What I want to see is the context for those messages before thinking about replying them.
Alejandro Perezpaya
💹 Rj
Subreply is so inviting to talk to strangers.
4y, 12w
3 replies
🐜 Pepijn
Hello stranger!
Marvin Wiik
Hi stranger! It's clean. I prefer clean. Hope it can be an established platform.
4y, 12w
🔺 Erno Hopearuoho
It seems that 'Search' open a feed of latest content in the platform in chronological order. Does anyone else feel like the 'reply' button should read 'thread'? #subreply
🚂 Ekle
I'm working on a service for building a professional community, personal websites and blogs. urspace.io Please let me know any suggestions.
My own version of hey.com
Cole Hudson
The network tab in firefox's devtools got a makeover, looks excellent
🌪️ Angelino Desmet
Updating quitfacebook.org.
Ian Kettlewell
Working on my website, but quickly distracted learning about font design.
What are you currently reading? I need inspirations
🐠 Sam E.
Today is the release date for an mobile app projects I've made with my life partner during the past 1-2 month of lockdown. Play Store review times are quite long, but it should be live later during the day :)