Nick Do you know that invisible bridge in raiders?
2y, 4w reply ¬
🤔 Serina Hu Anyone getting any music from Comiket 100? I recently had the urge to online order but I think I should lay off buying physical CDs for now...
··· 2y, 4w reply ¬
Simon Janes Animals as Leaders. Perhaps a form of metal you've never experienced. Oddly motivating stuff. Good news for you Subleviathans, they're touring Europe this year.
8y, 27w 1 reply ¬
Nkrs Had the same thoughts when a friend showed me CAFO in 2009. Their stuff goes really well with Scale the Summit and Pomegranate Tiger.
8y, 27w reply
🏀 Air Bud Alright , time for some building. What are you listening to?
Bruce Webster Listening to Zoe Keating. An amazingly cool solo cellist who uses realtime looping to create some very intense music.
9y, 48w reply
Tyler Deitz what about that porcupine thing can that be your mascot
🏀 Air Bud We will incorporate porcupine and dog mascots for soon.
10y, 5w reply
🏀 Air Bud Alright , time for some building. What are you listening to?
Mark Myerson Breakbot today, Shook's new single when it's released tomorrow.
Indigodaddy Discovered Asaf Avidan the other day.. really great stuff...
Ryan Twenty One Pilots, General Ghost, The American Dollar, and shuffled playlists on Spotify.
Daviday Techno/house/bass/new music
Dave Walk The new Murder City Devils album, it's awesome. Also new albums from Joyce Manor and Fucked Up.
Martijn I'm revisiting Herman's Hermits this week. But whenever I am winding down before bed, like right now, I turn to the BBC's live recording of Tubular Bells:
Bruce Webster Listening to Zoe Keating. An amazingly cool solo cellist who uses realtime looping to create some very intense music.
9y, 48w reply