web at iFixit
🏒 Lucian Marin
I'll use your lazy image loader or AMP. I didn't decide yet. The problem with AMP is that it requires JavaScript to render the images.
Tyler Deitz
AMP is pretty great for rendering media, plus it comes with built-in dimension declarations. The only thing that would detract me from using it now is the overhead of all the custom element polyfills we still need for older browsers :/
8y, 17w
🏒 Lucian Marin
I'm working on the design of the picture site on sublook.com -- you can watch the progress and give feedback me if you want. Everything comes differently that what I imagined initially. I'm starting to like the result.
Tyler Deitz
It's looking really great so far! Interesting idea how reactions are part of a photo's comment stream.
8y, 17w
2 replies
🏒 Lucian Marin
It's pretty cool stuff. I starred it on GitHub. I will use your script if I decide to build an images site.
Tyler Deitz
Thanks Lucian. Your comment about adding scroll loading led me to find a pretty awesome browser feature about to arrive - thought you might find it interesting - github.com/WICG/In...
8y, 33w
Tyler Deitz
Are.na - a collaborative information organizer. I've been using it a lot recently and think it's really great.
8y, 33w
Tyler Deitz
New website for my lazy image loader - tylerdeitz.co/lazy...
8y, 33w
2 replies
🏒 Lucian Marin
It's pretty cool stuff. I starred it on GitHub. I will use your script if I decide to build an images site.
8y, 33w
1 reply
🏒 Lucian Marin
The code looks good. It will be nice to load the images only when they appear on screen or when the user is scrolling: stackoverflow.com/...
Tyler Deitz
That is a good feature, I was debating whether to add that or to keep the scope of this project small.
8y, 36w
Tyler Deitz
Thing I'm working on - A lazy image loader designed to enforce progressive enhancement and valid HTML. github.com/tvler/l...
8y, 36w
2 replies
🏒 Lucian Marin
The code looks good. It will be nice to load the images only when they appear on screen or when the user is scrolling: stackoverflow.com/...
8y, 36w
1 reply
Tyler Deitz
Made a verbose javascript library tylerdeitz.co/That...
8y, 47w
1 reply
🏒 Lucian Marin
OK, Microsoft, maybe now I'm listening. SSH from PowerShell (blogs.msdn.com/b/l...) on Windows 10 is a good call. Surface tablets are looking more and more appealing by the day.
Tyler Deitz
I've seen so many freshman cs students with surfaces now. It's really surprising and interesting. The more developers a platform has, the better they will be treated.
9y, 28w
Adam Douglas
Makes me wish there was a good tiling window manager for OSX. It'd be my daily driver then.
Tyler Deitz
Spectacle is great
9y, 33w
Tyler Deitz
new site tylerdeitz.co
9y, 35w
🏒 Lucian Marin
Elementary OS 0.3 "Freya" was released. There's also a new site at elementary.io for your viewing pleasure. It might end up being better than Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid). That will bring some positive motivation for Elementary team.
Tyler Deitz
They just reached their first payment goal on Patreon: "monthly budget for BountySource" (patreon.com/elemen...). I don't think I've seen a distro try out Patreon yet, interesting.
9y, 35w
1 reply
Tyler Deitz
Got recognized by a mutual friend as "the guy who got sublevel hyped" ;)
9y, 46w
2 replies
🏒 Lucian Marin
Where did the hype go? Make it come back. :)
🏒 Lucian Marin
You should really work on the colors. Blue and orange don't work well together. Maybe you should try a color scheme from pltts.me.
Tyler Deitz
I improved my color palette and shrunk everything down a little. old: i.imgur.com/20XN29... -> new: i.imgur.com/VpPu8a.... What do you think?
9y, 47w
Tyler Deitz
working on duggs instagram.com/p/yO...
9y, 47w
Cool idea with the logo, but did you mess-up the viewport settings for mobile? I can't zoom out yet nothing fits
Tyler Deitz
nothing's been structured for mobile yet, I just included the correct viewport meta information for when I get to it ;)
9y, 47w
1 reply