I am the one and only cat of all of the servers...
💬 Subreply
Reload Sublevel and enjoy a better looking, more visual activity tab. Gone are the days of red percentages. The best part? Summary table has the same size.
The Cat
Hey @sublevel can you add meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" to you head tag? It would make the mobile web app experience oh so much better
10y, 2d
The Cat
I'm sorry I don't speak German
10y, 1w
3 replies
Hugh Spiller
Es tut mir leid, dass ich kein Katzensprache kann.
There are English speakers here, I don't speak a word of German either. Luckily G-Chrome has it's capable translate.
"If you don't actively use Sublevel, please rename your account with an _ character and make good usernames available to somebody else." I like that.
Jan Rajtoral
.. hi there y'all, how is everybody doing?
Alin Rautoiu
I just use the tree down there. Or a piece of wall.
Hello Sublevel. Is it going to be huge?
There's something kind of liberating about being able to say things and knowing no one is listening.
Last new person was 1 day ago. Is it peak sublevel already?
Simon Janes
Hey @cat, why do you jump on counters and steal the cheese?! How do you train for vertical leap?
I am in love.
🏀 Air Bud
There's a lot of graphic designers and computer people on sublevel, but not enough dogs.
Most of my iOS Safari tabs are now sublevel, come on @sublevel set the meta tags so it behaves as an app
Hilary Clinton
@cat be my running mate in 2016