🏀 Pr Watching these RNC and DNC conventions leaves me feeling angry, especially in the aftermath of jacob blake. how can anyone listen to these windbags and not feel a boiling anger?
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Diva We only get to see edited highlights and sound bites here in the UK. For the most part, the US election usually dominates our foreign news agenda. It's a shame that this focus does not happen for other countries.
4y, 2w 1 reply
Burensasub Agreed! It's hard to know what's going on in other parts of the world
4y, 2w reply
Burensasub Agreed. I used to get excited watching them, but now I couldn't bear to watch it for more than a few minutes. It all rings so hollow
4y, 2w 1 reply
🏀 Pr so hollow and so manipulative. it blows my mind that it works
4y, 2w reply
🗨️ Fui That's politics everywhere, at any given time. At that level it's too abstract to be existentially meaningful. So it's always a facade.
🏀 Pr definitely. i wonder how much blame the internet has in the acceleration of the deterioration of meaning in public debate.
4y, 2w 1 reply
😃 Javier They are caricatures. Poorly drawn. Family Circus Zombies.
4y, 2w 1 reply
🏀 Pr seriously, it's straight out of south park tbh
4y, 2w reply
🤔 David How? Through agreement, ignorance, or desensitization.
4y, 2w 1 reply
🏀 Pr I can't stand BS. personally i feel the RNC is straight out of a movie on dystopia, but the DNC has too often just ignored (or actively supressed) the progressive side of the party. I'll be voting for sure, but it's still frustrating
4y, 2w reply