🏀 Pr Watching these RNC and DNC conventions leaves me feeling angry, especially in the aftermath of jacob blake. how can anyone listen to these windbags and not feel a boiling anger?
🗨️ Fui That's politics everywhere, at any given time. At that level it's too abstract to be existentially meaningful. So it's always a facade.
🏀 Pr definitely. i wonder how much blame the internet has in the acceleration of the deterioration of meaning in public debate.
4y, 2w 1 reply
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🗨️ Fui The Internet is just a medium, the one reaching out to everyone. I'm that sense, it functions as the ultimate high resolution lense on society as a whole (as virtually everyone is in it). That to say that what we're seeing is not the deterioration of public discourse, just seeing it big in all its everlasting shallowness.
4y, 2w reply