👨‍đŸ’ģ Matthieu V. I really glad social networks exists, I would have not known a lot but I feel like I never have anything to say, no opinion to display, am I alone in this case ? Am I condemned to be part of the "silent majority" ?
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Nick S. Frankly the opposite of my experience...(if I can brag a little bit) at one point I was in the top 500 reddit users by karma. Now I'm merely top 5000, although not because I stopped participating, but because I stopped chasing the points and now participate in smaller niche communities where my words actually have value :D
🤔 David If you don't mind my asking, what types of communities do you participate in now vs the communities where you reaped a lot of karma? Personally I'm just a big lurker on reddit (save for a post here or there and comments when I can assist someone) and never really found karma/points very motivating.
4y, 5w 1 reply
⚙ī¸ Vdo I feel the same
4y, 5w 1 reply
👨‍đŸ’ģ Matthieu V. I just made you get out of it ! (;
4y, 5w reply
Jan I used to have an opinion on everything, but now I barely post anymore. When I'm about to post an opinion I think, "Why would anyone care about my opinion?", and when I go to post something factual, I think, "They can just google that themselves." Oh well, I guess the less you post, the less chances you have to say something stupid.
The Last I think the next phase would be "I have an opinion, no one would care, but I don't give a sh*t about that and post it anyway".
4y, 5w reply
👨‍đŸ’ģ Matthieu V. This was exactly the mindset I was ! Now I try to interact more, respectfully, just in case it could interest others but I focus a bit much on the fact that most of the time my answers goes under the radars ! :D
4y, 5w reply
🗨ī¸ Fui I always felt like that. I think (therefore I am) about things, but I always knew deep inside me that no one really cared about my opinions, nor I had any particular urge to display them. So no, you're not alone. We're not the talkers. We're not the YouTubers. We're not the influencers. Our place is not the spotlight, but the comment box.
··· 4y, 6w 2 replies
👨‍đŸ’ģ Matthieu V. And even even in the comment box I don't feel in my place ! (:
4y, 5w 1 reply
Miso In real life, we have beers to help us speak more easily... not on social media! :) Most of the people who speak don't have anything to say either. That's the beauty of it. We don't go to social spaces to learn, but more to connect. I'm glad you wrote your message!
4y, 6w reply
👉 LÊo I am sure you have interesting stuff to share! I am also part of the 99% silent majority: I've posted to reddit only once in 7 years! The feeling of not having anything to share is merely psychological and a force of habit. Since we never post, we never think about posting. Other issues are shyness and perfectionism. I've been trying to post one thought per day here to try and change my mindset. It doesn't have to be perfect, nobody knows me here, no up or down votes.
👨‍đŸ’ģ Matthieu V. it is very cool that places like subreply exists, where anyone can express their thoughts without any fear of backlash (: I'll try to follow your routine and share one thought a day (and maybe keep the doctor away ! :D)
4y, 6w reply
Zero Edge This is my first "social media" account since deleting facebook (5+ years ago?) and I never was a "sharer" either... Interesting to see other similar types being drawn to this format..
4y, 6w reply
☕ David Antoine Il n'y a aucune obligation d'ecrire quoique ce soit si vous n'en avez pas envie... Vous pouvez juste parcourir les ecrits et reagir a quelque chose qui vous interpelle en particulier... Ce que beaucoup d'utilisateurs font je pense. Evidemment il faut que des sujets initiaux soient ecrits, sinon comment repondre au neant ? ;)
··· 4y, 6w 2 replies
👨‍đŸ’ģ Matthieu V. ce n'est pas l'envie qui manque dans mon cas, mais j'ai parfopis l'impression de ne pas avoir d'opinion ou de ne pas savoir me placer dans le spectre, du coup je n'interviens pas..
4y, 6w 1 reply