4y, 23w
103 replies
🗜️ Mx
Lol. Here comes the thought police. How can any normal 21st century person be okay with illegal words, animals, plants or people?
4y, 23w
63 replies
🌘 Alana
because I'm transgender, and it honestly just fukin wears me down to see slurs thrown around casually. stopped using a forum I liked because one of the users had "tr*nny" in their name. it just sucks, you know? I'll go somewhere else, and then the racists and people who are okay with racists will stay. evaporative cooling, if you will. check out decriminalizenatur... btw.
4y, 23w
46 replies
🔚 Bort Simpson
This is exactly why censorship is a terrible idea. I'm under no obligation to approve of, celebrate, or accept your interpretation of reality. I would go so far as to argue that your sexual identity has resulted partly from aggressive online censorship that painted any criticism of your identity expression as "hate speech." May I suggest that you reflect on your fragility.
4y, 23w
1 reply