🏕️ Autumn How do I report content? Just saw the N word being used as a username. :/
🗜️ Mx Lol. Here comes the thought police. How can any normal 21st century person be okay with illegal words, animals, plants or people?
🌘 Alana because I'm transgender, and it honestly just fukin wears me down to see slurs thrown around casually. stopped using a forum I liked because one of the users had "tr*nny" in their name. it just sucks, you know? I'll go somewhere else, and then the racists and people who are okay with racists will stay. evaporative cooling, if you will. check out decriminalizenatur... btw.
🗜️ Mx First off, there is no such thing as "transgender". You can mutilate your body all you want and take all the pharmaceuticals you can, you still won't be able to change your gender. You're just going to look weird and condemn yourself to a lifetime of social agony. Secondly, nobody owes you comfort and happiness. If words offend you, then you're already vulnerable to all forms of communication and you should stay away from people in general - both online and offline alike.
🔻 Trinity ah, feck off. it's pretty standard scientific consensus that this stuff is valid: health.clevelandcl.... but, yes, the ability to endure slurs is a necessity in order to participate in intellectual conversation. to me it's odd though that something like the n-word is permitted on a seemingly professional site like this :shrug:
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🗜️ Mx Let's not be gullible! Transgenderism doesn't exist in nature. Homosexuality does, but not transgenderism. I think your "scientific consensus" has an underlying agenda.
🔻 Trinity Humans are, as far as we know, unprecedented. Computers (as we know them) do not exist in nature, yet we can build them. Our brains are pretty complicated compared to most other species. Glitches, like being a woman despite being born as a man, should be expected.
🐊 Andromeda Pie Sooo if something doesn't exist in nature it doesn't exist in humans? Lmao.
4y, 9w reply
🌚 Nlggers I disagree with your views but I respect that they are what you believe to be true and the fact that you advocate for what you believe is likely rooted in good intentions. It's my view that gender does not exist and that biological sex is determined by chromosomes. I believe genital mutilation is an abhorrent treatment for the mentally ill and my hope is that this practice will be eliminated within my lifetime.
🔻 Trinity I too believe in the abolishment of gender but probably in a dramatically different way. If you think sex is determined by chromosomes, what about the (somewhat atypical) third sex chromosome in many? It's possible to be XY, XX, XXY, XYY, etc. Doesn't that go against the idea of any sort of binary in terms of sex?
☕ David Antoine It is especially abhorrant when they push it upon children. I think I remember Canada having enacted a law stating that parents who oppose sex surgery for their children could go to jail and have their children custody revoked, basically. Disgusting. So if a teacher sees a child in "distress" (for what ever reason) and if the former think it is gender related, it could spin out of control. But more importantly, "transition" surgery is a 2026 $1.6b global business forecast...
4y, 9w reply