Robert Fouldes getting married (officially registered) today
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🌚 Cosmo Congrats, man!
4y, 23w reply
Gorky Park How much are you going to pay to get married?
4y, 23w 1 reply
Robert Fouldes Not too sure, this is Vietnam and we're basically just being registered at the official place, after having completed medicals (mental health!!) and filling lot of forms, in the end I doubt it's much over a few million VND
4y, 23w reply
💻 Akshit Congratulations!
4y, 23w reply
🌱 Slow very big
4y, 23w reply
4y, 23w reply
⚫ Aaron Congratulations!
4y, 23w reply
🗨️ Fui Time will definitely tell if today you made the right choice. Either way, best of lucks.
4y, 23w reply
Ganesh Khade Congratulations!
4y, 23w reply
❄️ Geoff Congrats!
4y, 23w 1 reply
4y, 23w 1 reply
Robert Fouldes MaNy thanks
4y, 23w reply
📉 Bill Congrats! Big life step
4y, 23w 1 reply
Robert Fouldes many thanks, been together ages, but making it all legal
4y, 23w reply