😃 Javier
Is there is such thing as national US news site that is not politically biased?
🌱 Slow
Nope, though I read Financial Times which isn't too egregious, at most pro free market / globalized economy.
4y, 11w
How and why?
Kanye West
hi everyone
🌚 Cosmo
Why not all at once?
😇 Jesus Christ
Hello father.
Uscrea M.
what's a quote you discovered 5+ years ago that you still go back to
😇 Jesus Christ
Hey it's me Jesus, welcome welcome everyone.
🌚 Cosmo
nm, sup with you?
🗨️ Fui
Last day on earth. What would you do?
Robert Fouldes
getting married (officially registered) today
💪 Joe