😾 Oskar So, this seems less anxiety inducing than twitter. Will it live? Anxiety is addictive.
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4y, 9w reply
😏 Yt L. I think it needs a dark mode.
🎣 Fish mine is dark i think my browser auto sets everything to dark mode on brave
4y, 9w reply
🕴️ Matthew Townsend I'm seeing everything in light text on a black background on my phone here.
🧩 Ben twitter got started in a sort of similar way. i think it depends on getting some people on here that other people want to follow
😾 Oskar i hate twitter for either being formal echo chamber or meta level bullshit peddling. it's not like it doesn't have interesting and smart people, but we already know that Internet has those. I don't care about 'like' mashing at this point tbh.
🔮 Liv Probably not, but it's already more fun
4y, 9w reply
Bat What's Twitter, precious?
😾 Oskar something i fail at where celebrities, gamers and VC succeed.
Friend I hope so! I'm diggin it so far
😾 Oskar omg, it's so great that i cannot like your comment. it's like zuckerberg didn't happen.
4y, 9w 1 reply