How did I end up here?
~ 24y old
😃 Javier Aircrafts are a good example of electric parts replacing hydraulic systems. Landing gears are electric motors.
🍞 Shan Wow. TIL, I always assumed there was actually liquid flowing through whenever I hear the PTU
3y, 51w reply
Kristoffer What other social networks do you enjoy these days?
🍞 Shan IRC mainly. And a handful of discord servers
4y, 7w 1 reply
Eachlittle Things Hello World, this is Hari Pavan and Its my first post on Subreply.
🍞 Shan Hey Hari! Have a toast
4y, 7w reply
Brunno Dossantos this is like twitter with no images?
🍞 Shan And without the bs......yet
4y, 7w reply
💡 Diff Read an article a few weeks ago that said apparently it's harder to weigh less than it used to be. Comparing today and the 80s, someone with the same level of exercise and caloric intake just weighs more today. Another article said there's no real tricks, just control over your diet and exercise.
🍞 Shan I approve of the second article! Lifestyle changes are definitely the only proper way to go
4y, 7w reply
📉 Bill What is DEFI?
🍞 Shan It's decentralised finance, basically using the blockchain on these cryptos for applications such as DApps(decentralised apps) or smart contracts, the Ethereum chain being the most popular
4y, 7w reply
🍞 Shan Ahh yes, my French counterpart
4y, 8w reply
🦨 Connor I feel like this is either gonna die in like a day or become kinda underground popular
🍞 Shan I kinda like this, it's the right amount of simple. Not too schuttlebutt media simple, or fyreplace extravagant
4y, 8w reply
🧔 Justin This sure has a really cool feel to it and I hope it gets a little more popular, but not too popular.
🍞 Shan MySpace without the clout popular?
4y, 8w reply
🧔 Justin You didn't get the bread emoji though?
🍞 Shan I'm not ready for that kinda commitment
4y, 8w reply
🍞 Shan bonjour
4y, 8w reply
🍞 Shan Finally something that can run on my dial-up!
4y, 8w reply ¬
🦄 Chip Uni Lots of us here are programmers. What's your favorite programming language, and why?
🍞 Shan Not my fav, but a lot better than I thought it would be: jython
4y, 8w reply
Babe i think i have the best user here
🍞 Shan ......or do you?