4y, 1w Babe @babe
💨 Charles Wallace Thanks, hope it is easy on you. I'm worried about my wife's mom, age 90, in a retirement home. Risky place to be
Babe thank you, i hope she gets well soon. is there any chance you can mover her someplace else, maybe take of her yourself, maybe then u can make sure she is in good hands.
4y, 1w reply
🦨 Connor I feel like this is either gonna die in like a day or become kinda underground popular
Babe yea maybe, but i feel like it has a chance to blow up
🍞 Shan ......or do you?
Babe oh my bad u def win
4y, 1w reply
🔻 Trinity well, caleb has , so... i lost
Babe yeah but ppl will refer to me as babe and i will get the affection and attention i need to function.
4y, 1w reply
💨 Charles Wallace Please reply if you or someone you know has had Covid19, with their age and outcome. Hoping this will compensate for the fact that most people don't know a victim. I'll start: an aquaintance around 50 years old was very ill, on a vent for 2 weeks, but survived.
Babe i have it rn, i am under the age of 21, i knew ppl in their 20s, 40s, and 60s who had it. they all survived, and didn't even get too tired, just like the normal amount. people make it out to be worse than it actually is. like it should be taken seriously, but there is no need to scare others or be scared.
Babe i think i have the best user here
🔻 Trinity well, caleb has , so... i lost
🍞 Shan ......or do you?
Xyz nah
4y, 1w reply
🔻 Trinity i've certainly made some enemies but i'd say i'm well-liked at least to those that matter to me
Babe as someone who knows you, id say i like you a lot
4y, 1w reply
🏎️ Fast is one of them? ;)
Babe this killed me, i think hes one of the best ppl i trusted tho
🔻 Trinity oh hi maryam (i'm the friend, i'm trying to get all my friends on here)
Babe hello :)
4y, 1w reply
Babe i was jk, a friend told me to make an account
🏎️ Fast What mistake have you learned most from?
Babe trusting someone ppl didn't like. i used to like believe that everyone who wasn't well liked was just misunderstood and made sure i befriended them, lots of toxic relationships ill never recover from.
Babe id say im forced to be here