⚙️ Vdo Is subreply active?
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🎭 Guilherme I was wondering the same thing, which is why I'm back here.
··· 2y, 44w reply
🍱 Ben Tsai we out here
2y, 46w reply
Peiran Tan Think so
2y, 46w reply
🥝 Mr full of lurkers
2y, 47w reply
Rsm Define "active".
2y, 49w reply
😃 Javier I think is active. No buzz, no fuss.
2y, 49w reply
👨‍💻 Matthieu V. I check here every day, and it's peaceful, maybe we are not following the most active poeple !
2y, 49w reply
Miso I sure hope so!
2y, 49w reply