United States
Mark Dain
MAN VS MACHINE! Windows 10 is installed!
ElementaryOS was a really easy install on my older MBP, by the way. Didn't try it under Boot Camp, though, just right down to the bare metal.
8y, 4d
2 replies
😀 Tom
Are they that intelligent and well versed in politics and the affairs of the world, or are they just repeating what they hear online?
It's mostly the echo chamber of LGBTQ teens (and teens who think it's cool to be LGBTQ even though they haven't had enough life experience to really know).
8y, 1w
2 replies
My teenagers have been turned into angsty puddles as a result of this election.
8y, 2w
4 replies
John Olinda
Now's your chance to rise up and take back the system for the people! Fight for the users! Or something like that!
Now's my chance to keep my head down. Need to keep paychecks flowing as four kids will be expecting Christmas this year.
8y, 3w
1 reply
My boss got fired yesterday. Awesome chaos and many back-channel conversations at work this morning.
8y, 4w
3 replies
John Olinda
Now's your chance to rise up and take back the system for the people! Fight for the users! Or something like that!
8y, 4w
2 replies
There's something wrong with planning to spend a Sunday writing software specs.
8y, 6w
😀 Tom
There 2017 version comes out tomorrow in the US (already released in other countries). Supposedly it still has a "coil whine" that is caused by the graphics hardware/firmware. Though it has a completely new WiFi/Bluetooth card that is the same in both the DE and windoe versions of the laptop. I'm hoping it has a super key instead of the Windows key.
"Coil whine" was never an issue for me. Could be my ears are just too old. But I can't hear any such thing with the first version.
8y, 6w
😀 Tom
Also consider the Dell XPS 13 Developer Edition, though it more expensive. I would buy one for myself if I needed a new laptop today.
I've got a Dell XPS 13 DE from the first round they put out. It's been a serviceable machine, but lots of niggling little issues (trackpad driver flakey, bluetooth intermittent, that sort of thing. These days I'm spending more time on a Lenovo 100S Chromebook repaved with GalliumOS. As a dirt-cheap box that is good enough for editing code, it works.
8y, 7w
5 replies
The new job still keeping you busy?
Yeah, asskickingly so. Better than unemployment for sure.
8y, 14w
Mark Dain
That sounds nice! I'd love to do purely backend work! What sort of work do you do?
At the moment I'm working on tools to synchronize data sets among three core apps that belong to our company plus some large number of third party read-only partners. Fun stuff.
8y, 14w
I was thinking of using tables today at work, just to get some stuff vertically-responsive-100%-height-filling. Can't use flexbox because of browser support.
You guys remind me of how much I have to be thankful for in that I'm working on a 100% back-end/infrastructure component at the moment. My UI is the command line!
8y, 14w
2 replies
So damned busy I can't even keep up with Sublevel. *waves on the way through the room*
8y, 14w
2 replies
Or introversion. Not quite sure about that.
Well, I used to enjoy going places and seeing things, but more so if I didn't have to interact with people. The introversion is long-term. Swapping a few pixels with a few personae on Sublevel is just about enough for me.
8y, 16w
Some time in the last few years my attitude towards travel changed from 'that sounds like a cool trip, let's go' to 'my god this is a pain in the ass, can't I just stay home?'. Another sign of encroaching age, I'm sure.
8y, 16w
2 replies
Today I saw the worst billboard ad so far: "rentable space for all kinds of celebrations: weddings, christenings, birthdays, and funerals".
I recall that when I bought my first suit, the salesman assured me that it was ideal for "weddings, wakes, and funerals."
8y, 16w
😀 Tom
It takes some practice (maybe a couple dozen eggs in one day), but you should be able to get to the point where you tap it on a flat surface to crack it, and then you pull the shells (not at the crack) to seperate. If done right, you should never touch the yolk. I don't cook, but I've had to bake many cakes for bake sales.
Yep, you never *should* touch the actual egg part. But it's not the end of the world if you do. Well, maybe phobias aside.
8y, 16w