Seth Kontny Fuck I need to buy a new laptop. Cannot decide
😀 Tom Also consider the Dell XPS 13 Developer Edition, though it more expensive. I would buy one for myself if I needed a new laptop today.
Xasasfdasfd I've got a Dell XPS 13 DE from the first round they put out. It's been a serviceable machine, but lots of niggling little issues (trackpad driver flakey, bluetooth intermittent, that sort of thing. These days I'm spending more time on a Lenovo 100S Chromebook repaved with GalliumOS. As a dirt-cheap box that is good enough for editing code, it works.
😀 Tom There 2017 version comes out tomorrow in the US (already released in other countries). Supposedly it still has a "coil whine" that is caused by the graphics hardware/firmware. Though it has a completely new WiFi/Bluetooth card that is the same in both the DE and windoe versions of the laptop. I'm hoping it has a super key instead of the Windows key.
Xasasfdasfd "Coil whine" was never an issue for me. Could be my ears are just too old. But I can't hear any such thing with the first version.
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