🧿 Andrea What is your best kept secret life hack? Mine: if you're feeling sick (high fever, food poisoning, etc) and don't drink coke regularly, a half litter of frizzy full sugar coke and a pan fried piece of bread (naan works well) will do you miracles
··· 4y, 7w 19 replies ¬
😃 Javier Skip meals every now and then. Learn to tame your hunger.
🍉 Lee Reducing portion sizes and learning to accept that a meal doesn't always need to make you feel full helped me maintain my weight.
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🧿 Andrea Not overeating is one of the ikigai diet principles - people with ikigai in their life tend to live very long mindfood.com/artic...
4y, 7w reply
🐵 Max Agreed, it always surprises me when I have lunch with my parents and notice how much less I eat now. I enjoy feeling hungry before eating.
4y, 7w 1 reply
💻 Kenneth Jensen Food is tastier. Life-long faster here; a snack can be a meal. Vegetables, fruits, nuts, cheese, crackers, small fish (sardines are so good for you), good beer.
··· 4y, 7w reply