🕹ī¸ Louise This may start a sad thread but i'm really curious about your answer dudes and dudettes and everyone in between and outside: if WWIII take place, do you think we will make it as a civilization?
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Burensasub We would make it, but there would be big changes (geo-politically, economically, socially), for better or for worse
4y, 8w reply
😍 Pat Absolutely yes.
4y, 8w 1 reply
🕹ī¸ Louise care to elaborate, please?
4y, 8w reply
🖖 Trekkie According to Star Trek, WWIII is pretty horrific, but things get a lot better after that... memory-alpha.fando...
4y, 8w 1 reply
🕹ī¸ Louise damn, will read that, thanks!
4y, 8w reply
đŸĨ Mr Humans tend to find ways to survive, but that doesn't mean it would be pretty.
4y, 8w 1 reply
🕹ī¸ Louise yeah, agreed :/
4y, 8w reply
Dan Heath We've gone beyond territorial warfare I feel so the idea of one army marching upon another land seems unrealistic at least among MEDCs because power isn't tied to landmass quite as it was in the past. Other countries can now be controlled through other means - digital warfare, espionage, media, electioneering. That doesn't damage population in the same way as traditional warfare but it does lead to societal erosion which will have effects in other ways.
🕹ī¸ Louise huh! great point! i did not think of that. Thanks for sharing
4y, 8w reply
Burensasub Good points, which are food for thought...
4y, 8w reply
đŸŽŖ Fish id expect totalitarian after totalitarian. Maybe some sort of all military population? Maybe something like Copper Heart
··· 4y, 8w 3 replies
🕹ī¸ Louise I get most of it. But I got lost at Copper Heart. I don't follow. what do you mean?