🐊 Andromeda Pie Any other women on here?
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4y, 18w 3 replies
🏕️ Autumn I am! :wave:
4y, 18w 15 replies
🐊 Andromeda Pie Yay. Gosh I'm trying so hard because this is really cool and neat. I just want it to be not racist and evil but it's too much to ask for.
4y, 18w 3 replies
😾 Oskar Why my post about spirit animals gets deleted? I just suggested that caring about gender in terms of intellectual conversation is misguided and stupid, if we would go by this road it will be more descriptive to assign spirit animals of choice (I'll take owl or smth). I hope that this was just server error so posting again. It's not in any way aggressive message.
4y, 18w 10 replies
📉 Bill This is a genderless social forum
4y, 18w 3 replies
🐊 Andromeda Pie No its clearly not.
4y, 18w reply
🌚 Nlggers There may be some merit to the idea of "minifying" identity. Nick Land views dialectics as a form of "degenerative ratchet" that consistently moves topics towards these sorts of "black holes" of identity as it were. So the idea being that gay, woman, dickgirl, black, ect.. are all dialectical cancers that themselves expand and encompass the sphere of conversation. Voice vs exit is quite interesting. thedarkenlightenme...
4y, 18w reply
Eng Alphabet Genderless? I'm not even a person!
4y, 18w reply
Juha Would any reply make a difference?
4y, 18w 4 replies