😶 Pipas_ Do you think new websites like this are ever going to break people's reliance on the big players like FB/Twitter or are they always destined for smaller and niche communities?
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🚫 Zero Bomb Maybe these small cannabis startups will break people's reliance on the big players of alcohol and tobacco companies. What is more likely is that the big players will copy or outright take over any successful companies in the space. Text only is in the same boat, but probably even easier for big tech companies to copy than cannabis.
4y, 13w reply
🌚 Nlggers I think it is unlikely the major players will be dislodged from their existing position of market dominance. One example I like to reference is the breakup of the AT&T Bell Telephone monopoly. Many of the companies that emerged from the breakup have since moved to acquire one another and the overall structure of the prior business has begun to reemerge. gallery.burrowowl....
4y, 13w reply
🌊 Zero Two A very niche community
4y, 13w reply
😏 Yt L. I'd bet on "smaller than Facebook" but that doesn't have to be a bad thing. Small communities can be nicer, plus, every small community taking away from the big names is a tiny blow against them. They may never be killed and replaced by any one competitor, but pulled down and devoured by a horde.
4y, 13w 1 reply
🌪️ Angelino Desmet I couldn't agree more. I used to think small websites stood no chance, but that's completely missing the point: it's the websites that grow too large that lose. Look at facebook or reddit, there's no feeling of community whatsoever. It's just too big to feel relevant. Therefore, I posit that Dunbar's number is applicable to online communities as well: en.wikipedia.org/w...
4y, 13w reply
🐙 Danny I guess these art of community can only be a niche. The Most people don't want to read, ist's easier to watch videos or look at pictures.
4y, 13w reply
🤬 Foobar The internet has changed in the past decade or two in that the traffic generated has consolidated to just a few sites. I hope small sites like this becomes more popular.
4y, 13w reply
🎯 Gallium Oxide You cannot defeat the big players' entrenched network effects by taking them head-on. Instagram and TikTok didn't set out to copy FB; they targeted a particular demographic that was looking to post and share a particular kind of content. Subreply has to find its own product-market fit first, then gradually evolve the product to obtain more and more users while keeping the existing users happy.
4y, 13w reply
🤔 David Unless the public becomes interested in text-based content again, I don't believe that communities like this will ever become hugely popular. One could hope that it would be popular among the people that DO like text-only discussions and long-form, though.
4y, 13w 2 replies
Joseph Gilmore Except you can't really do long form on here
4y, 13w 1 reply