🏕️ Autumn How do I report content? Just saw the N word being used as a username. :/
🗜️ Mx Lol. Here comes the thought police. How can any normal 21st century person be okay with illegal words, animals, plants or people?
🌚 Nlggers I agree with this sentiment. I am concerned with the direction western tech platforms are taking with regard to censorship. My anecdotal experience has been that in the early 2000s censorship was more prevalent among companies outside of the US (Daily Motion for example) and with the introduction of American companies offering similar services (YouTube) things became more free. Now the opposite has become true with Google introducing programatic censorship via Perspective API
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Leeks So my questions sideways about this discussion are: why did you choose this username? Is it intentionally to be inflammatory? And if so, why is that a priority? Does it stem from a need for attention? I doubt anyone can seriously defend the worth of exercising free speech to use slurs. People who choose usernames like this misuse the free speech argument as a bulwark for 1) needing to cause a stir wherever they appear to feel important or 2) actually being racist or whatever
4y, 9w 1 reply
🌚 Nlggers Because I like it. :)
4y, 9w reply
Tmp So is that the point you're trying to get across with your username?
🌚 Nlggers I think in part my feelings towards the pervasiveness of censorship online did motivate my decision to pick this username. Certainly I would say it is my primary motivation.
🗜️ Mx You're probably going to be the first account I follow here, not because of your username but because of the quality of your posts. Thanks for sharing the browser privacy list! I'll be checking out the degoogled chromium today.
4y, 9w 1 reply
🌚 Nlggers Best of luck! My first suggestion is that you install the "Get CRX" extension. This will allow you to more easily sideload extensions which must manually be unpacked as a result of the removal of various Google APIs. In my humble opinion this is by far the worst hassle of the Ungoogled Chromium browser but the gains in user privacy are well worth the extra few minutes required to install extensions.
4y, 9w reply
📉 Bill With such cheap hosting and no monetary incentive on this site, why would this need to implement censorship? Will "offensive" usernames or slurs prevent others from joining in discussion? There's no upvotes or downvoted to raise this content to the top which would be toxic. It will just get lost in the noise of the crowd
🌚 Nlggers I suspect the introduction of censorship is motivated by the lust for ideological domination perhaps more so than by economic pressures (advertisers and so-forth).
4y, 9w 1 reply