🦨 Connor I feel like this is either gonna die in like a day or become kinda underground popular
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🗨️ Fui Head or tails. You can't fail there.
4y, 23w reply
Gorky Park I give it 12 hours
4y, 23w reply
🍞 Shan I kinda like this, it's the right amount of simple. Not too schuttlebutt media simple, or fyreplace extravagant
4y, 23w reply
😒 Isoprep Been a couple of minutes since I signed up, and I like the simplicity of it. As you said, I don't know if this place will be this active tomorrow, but let's wait and see. Hopefully, this becomes like a hub for discussion and such.
4y, 23w reply
Niccolo Machiavelli Will we cross the chasm? Time will tell
4y, 23w reply
🪓 Carlos Cortes Half Hn is here
4y, 23w 4 replies
😏 Yt L. Question is: How many will be here tomorrow?
4y, 23w 3 replies
🧞 Bit I don't understand why I like it but I do. I wonder if it might pick up simply because of that
4y, 23w reply
Babe yea maybe, but i feel like it has a chance to blow up
4y, 23w 2 replies
Zas I hope not, bigger communities tend to be more toxic
4y, 23w 1 reply