🏒 Lucian Marin I got an Hey invite if everyone wants it.
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Stoyan Zhekov If nobody else want it, please give it to me. I still think XMPP will do the better job than Hey, but I'm a long time DHH fan, just want to see his recent creation.
4y, 23w 4 replies
Aaron Brown I'm pretty happy with Protonmail and my own domain, but i'd give it a shot if you have another.
4y, 23w reply
⚫ Aaron I think Hey is open registration currently
4y, 23w 2 replies
Sergiusz I think I will finally host my own mail
4y, 25w 1 reply
🐵 David It can be fun. I did it for many years until it became too much responsibility (the entire family was in it). These days it is hard, very hard, to become bonafide, but not impossible.
4y, 25w reply
👽 Nik Rajpal How do you like Hey?
4y, 25w reply
Uri Did they literally just start handing out access? I signed up today. Intrigued.
4y, 25w reply
David Hall No thanks, I had a brush with Ippimail a few years back - as says - I'll stick with my Apple service.
4y, 25w 1 reply
🏒 Lucian Marin It seems nobody wants Hey, me either. The invite went to a guy I don't know uncle.
4y, 25w reply
🐵 David Another "email services client?" I wrote about those a little (collantes.us/2017/...). Not even free I want it. :-D
4y, 26w reply