🦊 Captain Wenworth I just have this suspicion now that I'm really going to resent going back to the office if/when this is all over...
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Miso I'm actually looking forward to do that, mostly to see people. Been a while since I saw bunch of my coworkers.
4y, 16w reply
Diva Will you need to go back to the office before an effective vaccine is found?
4y, 16w reply
4y, 16w reply
Nehemiah Klee yeah working from home is just better because you don't waste time on commute and just sitting to finish a certain arbitrary time limit.
4y, 17w 1 reply
🏒 Lucian Marin I work two extra hours each day because of I'm not commuting, but commuting can be exhausting.
4y, 17w reply
🐵 David There is absolutely no reason to go back, unless it is to socialise.
4y, 17w 2 replies
🦊 Captain Wenworth Exactly; if anything, I've been more productive at home, and Teams gives us the ability to see/talk to others.
4y, 17w 1 reply