🦄 Chip Uni
What (if anything) do you listen to while you're programming, or doing work that requires a lot of concentration?
🔻 Trinity
alright fellas, the big debate: windows, linux, macOS, haiku, reactOS (lul), bsd, unix, beos, amigaos, etc... what operating system do you use? what operating system do you like the best? and why?
🦄 Chip Uni
Lots of us here are programmers. What's your favorite programming language, and why?
If you could, how would you personally improve the UX of this site?
🏎️ Fast
is this gonna be the new "likes" now... lol
Who said anything about ads? I'd be thinking micropayments, something along those lines.
A million dollars isn't cool. You know what's cool?
👌 Ramsey
They lied to me about the meme section
Omar Khan
pictures /avatar sometimes get in the way of discussions and ideas
🌊 Zero Two
this feels like an interview question lol
👍 Lorin H.
Ah you're the fellow that grabbed the 'OK' emoji before me, good jerb! Too bad it didn't allow more complex emoji like ninja cat :D
🖕 Moderator
Go to the meme section, found on the right sidebar. Once you see a menu of options, click "let's meme." The rest is pretty self explanatory.