Nkrs Temperature in hell: below freezing point. (osnews.com/story/2...)
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Adam Douglas April Fools'!
Nkrs Was it confirmed it as an April Fools' joke? Kind of odd to make the announcement two days before April 1st.
8y, 6w 1 reply
🦿 Lucian Marin I know requested a "Windows Linux" in a while ago.
8y, 6w 1 reply
Adam Douglas Well, if Visual Studio is open-sourced to Linux that'll be fine too. (Visual Studio Code is a bit lacking and not much of a competitor to Sublime Text).
8y, 6w reply
Mark Dain "In short, it's a sort-of reverse WINE - it translates Linux syscalls to Windows syscalls in real time." oh that is sweet! I wonder how well this works? I can barely keep up with all the Microsoft news, did you hear they relicensed Mono Runtime as MIT?
8y, 6w reply
John Olinda This. Is. Awesome.
8y, 6w reply