Zero Edge Modern company evolution = 1. geeks making things for geeks. 2. product becomes popular. 3. geeks making things for the masses. 4. mba's making things for the masses. 5. mbas sucking the company dry while pretending to be geeks.
🦿 Lucian Marin Somewhere in between: mbas firing or making geeks quit their job.
🦿 Lucian Marin I revamped all things related to groups and hashtags. Hashtag is a reference to a group. You can post and reply inside a group. I need to code a way to automatically create a group when you use a new hashtag. I think the best way to describe Subreply is having Twitter and Reddit in one social network.
☕ David Antoine I was wondering, maybe use a different symbol or two hashtags for a group... Wouldn't it be better to have groups separated from simple hashtags? If anything, to use simple hashtags for a trending option based on it for example (if Subreply explodes in popularity one day, hopefully)... Not sure though, that's a stupid idea maybe...
🦿 Lucian Marin We don't longer have four seasons in Europe. It's six months of cold and six months of heat. It's not summer and winter, we need new names for the two seasons.
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☕ David Antoine June solstice and December solstice. Or North Solstice and South Solstice...
☕ David Antoine Swedish fintech Klarna CEO says its AI assistant does the work of 700 people after it laid off 700 people two years prior... Is this the start of a new golden era for capitalism and an even more unhinged version of it? How much poverty can be created at the behest of capital owners before the remaining workforce, and the purchasing power attached to it, become reduced enough to impact the bottom line their corporations? I don't know... Not every country as a trillion euros sovereign-wealth fund to chill for the future, like Norway.
I revamped all things related to groups and hashtags. Hashtag is a reference to a group. You can post and reply inside a group. I need to code a way to automatically create a group when you use a new hashtag. I think the best way to describe Subreply is having Twitter and Reddit in one social network.
☕ David Antoine I was wondering, maybe use a different symbol or two hashtags for a group... Wouldn't it be better to have groups separated from simple hashtags? If anything, to use simple hashtags for a trending option based on it for example (if Subreply explodes in popularity one day, hopefully)... Not sure though, that's a stupid idea maybe...
I tried Samsung Galaxy S24 in the store today. The design is amazing, camera is terrible and the software experience is horrible. I will stick with my Pixel 5 for the moment. Pixel 9 renders look promising.
😀 Tom I liked my Pixel 5, but a Pixel 8 Pro upgrade was free for me. I initially missed the smaller form-factor of the 5, but I quickly adapted to the 8. Getting a TPU case with a built-in MagSafe-whatever and magnetic PopSocket is a great combo.
💬 Subreply Thanks to for donating two months of Vultr hosting.
Zero Edge There is a huge host of people out there who think their race is superior to your race. They think given equal circumstance. Equal upbringing. On average their race will always perform better than your race. Because of this they find it necessary to pander to your race because according to them your race is inferior to their race. According to them your race is incapable of accomplishments without their race. "White Savior Complex". It's racism and if you call them out on it they will call you the racist instead. Manipulators gonna manipulate. Watch out!
☕ David Antoine "According to them your race is incapable of accomplishments without their race." You basically defined colonialism, more or less... Thanks. And yes, racism is an integral part of it . Total intolerance and visceral revulsion for any ethnicity other than the one of the colonizer. The word racism in itself is pretty stupid _btw_, there is only one human race, Homo Sapiens... Frenchies in colonized Algeria did have a pretty acute complex of superiority... Let's just say the White / WASP colonialist handbook is now very well stuffed with horrendous psychotic acts. White washing it is the recurrent manipulation.
🦿 Lucian Marin X is now Facebook. Threads is filled with Instagram people who don't like to write. Basically, Subreply is the new Twitter.
🐸 Simon Why are Discord and Slack two different apps? They work and feel so similarly. Are the needs of "communities" different from those of a "company"?
🦿 Lucian Marin is taken. No rebranding, but Twitter is gone.
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🙂 Roy Hey, I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope and pray that you will recover soon. I just looked it up because I had no idea what it was. The signs and symptoms are quite unnerving.
🦿 Lucian Marin Even more crazy is that I have perfect blood tests. I don't understand why I got this. I don't even have the genetic marker HLA-B27 for it. Two months of pain and it doesn't stop.
😀 Tom After assembling all my open tab URLs from Firefox for Android that I saved over the past two or three years, deduplicated them, and deleted the garbage URLs, I have over 11,000 URLs I've saved from my phone. 7,000 of them are just from HN alone.
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🐥 Jacob Chapman You could open a small number of URLs each day. Here is how I do it on the desktop on Android and here is how I sort my tabs: pip install xklb && library cluster-sort tabs.txt sorted_tabs.txt
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🦿 Lucian Marin At one point I owned and created a social network for it
🤷 Rudi That's a cool coincidence, what kind of social network do you build? Guessing from the name, is it some kind of social forum like reddit?
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🙂 Roy Threads has been making waves online. Yet another Twitter alternative on the long list of alternatives. Apparently, users can't delete their Threads account without nuking Instagram as well. i wonder if they've heard of Pixelfed
🤷 Rudi Watching the threads app launch with people posting jabs at twitter is pretty entertaining 😂
🦿 Lucian Marin At one point I owned and created a social network for it