😀 Tom I finally got a mechanical keyboard. Now I have to retrain myself to type properly so I can increase speed without mistakes and without looking at the keyboard.
🦿 Lucian Marin I played with a Lenovo Yoga Book in the store. I typed on its glass keyboard and didn't made many mistakes. Actually, I felt no difference from a regular keyboard. Muscle memory isn't related to the key feel.
6y, 30w 8 replies
Eric Glass? How's that to type with? Never heard of such a thing.
6y, 30w 5 replies
😀 Tom Never heard of such a thing? It's only in every other sci-fi movie and tv show :-)
6y, 30w 2 replies
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Eric I feel very foolish now. Yesterday I was imagining a proper keyboard with glass rather than plastic keys. Almost like those glass chess sets you get.
6y, 30w 1 reply
😀 Tom Lol, that would be something though! When I was researching keyboards and keycaps, I discovered that people were making designer keycaps for $30 a piece and doing Kickstarters and such for them. Perhaps if one was feeling entrepreneurial, they could make glass keycaps and charge the same. I don't think I saw any glass keycaps, and one could make some really nice ones I'd imagine.
6y, 29w reply