😀 Tom I finally got a mechanical keyboard. Now I have to retrain myself to type properly so I can increase speed without mistakes and without looking at the keyboard.
🦿 Lucian Marin I played with a Lenovo Yoga Book in the store. I typed on its glass keyboard and didn't made many mistakes. Actually, I felt no difference from a regular keyboard. Muscle memory isn't related to the key feel.
6y, 28w 8 replies
Eric Glass? How's that to type with? Never heard of such a thing.
6y, 28w 5 replies
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😀 Tom Never heard of such a thing? It's only in every other sci-fi movie and tv show :-)
6y, 28w 2 replies
Eric I feel very foolish now. Yesterday I was imagining a proper keyboard with glass rather than plastic keys. Almost like those glass chess sets you get.
6y, 28w 1 reply
🦿 Lucian Marin It was pretty nice to me, unlike what online reviewers tell you. The entire surface vibrates for each key press. The lightning for key shapes is consistent, not so much on a regular laptop.
6y, 28w 1 reply
😀 Tom I disabled the vibrations and audible responses to key presses on mine. Too distracting. But it's not bad to type on, I just need to work on my muscle memory and pressing keys the correct way.
6y, 28w reply