Rozdiel Hi, I am new here, what is purpose of this site?
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Tony 56FDA4F6-1EE3-40D2-AD5E-D6EC046755BB
9y, 38w reply
The Cat To listen to the
9y, 38w 2 replies
Jimmy Lee Cats important
9y, 38w 1 reply
9y, 38w 3 replies
E Yes, yes you do
9y, 38w 2 replies
Tyler Deitz 2 chill B)
9y, 38w reply
Vinh291 to be cool
9y, 38w 1 reply
Cacard not cool
9y, 38w reply
Astutesrinivasa Not sure, am thinking more in terms of what business/customers it would target
9y, 38w reply
Jailbot Error 404: purpose not found
9y, 38w 1 reply
Tony 0B5B5CBB-516B-4A6D-8792-862EFB95CACA
9y, 38w reply
Jason ~threads~
9y, 38w reply
Facebook not facebook
9y, 39w reply
9y, 40w reply
🦿 Lucian Marin Some people called it "group chat" a few years ago. It's hard to describe something that's so new.
9y, 40w 8 replies
Rozdiel So basically you just put your thoughts down and anyone can respond to anything?
9y, 40w 3 replies
Kevinthenatural Well that's a bit cryptic. Maybe an about or FAQ page? I like the design of this place, but I'm not sure what distinguishes it from other services.
9y, 40w 1 reply
Whatup Nobody knows
9y, 40w 1 reply
Starrychloe That's what I'm trying to find out. Does 1m indicate 1 month or 1 minute? It's not clear.
9y, 40w 2 replies
🦿 Lucian Marin In the future months will be converted into weeks to make it more clear.
9y, 40w 1 reply