C4nn4r So far this place is looking pretty good, however, I am sceptical as to whether or not it will catch on with today's crowd as many people seem to have very little to no concentration, and seem incapable of reading more than 200 characters of text. I love the text-only look this place has going for it as well, it's incredibly refreshing, and unique.
Bas I agree on the refreshing bit. But sites like Medium are an indication that there's more than a little interest in long form copy that's actually interesting, as opposed to your run-of-the-mill clickbait list. Also I appreciate the fact that Sublevel's structure seems to trigger replies. Communication between people instead of random postings.
9y, 48w 7 replies
Eric The content on Medium is mostly uninteresting drivel which is written as if its a life changing thing to read. The look & feel of the articles might seem high quality but the actual flesh is rarely anything special.
9y, 48w 6 replies
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Bas Well, it's user generated content. So as with every service offering USG, the more successful it gets, the more difficult it becomes to find the gems (like YouTube, Flickr, etc). But the fact it is succeful in the first place is an indication people like to read.
9y, 48w 4 replies
Eric You are right, this today made me chuckle: medium.com/urban-e... There are good articles on Medium, it's just their discovery is often difficult & it's hard to get past the try-hard change-your-life 'stories' which dominate the site.
9y, 48w reply
Belle Or that people like to write but don't want the pressure of maintaining their own blog.
9y, 48w 2 replies
Alin Rautoiu That's not really a Medium problem, but a problem of contemporary storified journalism. A lighter, shallower offshoot of gonzo and New Journalism.
9y, 48w reply