Zero Edge Most content consumption leads to anger, hate, and mental pain. Not consuming content leads to mellowness and peace but an uninformed stance. I used to think the world was "nice" and most people were "good" but it seems harder and harder to find those things I used to think. Is the internet just very good at highlighting the "edge cases". Does the internet accurately represent the world and its opinion as a whole or is it just edge case after edge case.
🐊 Andromeda Pie White people raped and pillaged the world for centuries. Now that we took their toys away they are throwing a hissy fit by being fascist right wing trolls. It's mainly white American men. Most people are alright. Don't let it get you down.
4y, 23w 26 replies
😏 Yt L. Non-white groups throughout history have done their share of rape and pillage. Why would you single out a specific race and gender to complain about their history?
4y, 23w 18 replies
🌚 Nlggers I'm not white I'm Jewish.
4y, 23w 1 reply
💻 Kenneth Jensen Great example. This is an excellent shitpost. US here. Importing all of our common staple goods ruined this country. We can thank the old white men and Jewish men who wanted to make another buck for selling off our country for the past two hundred years. Why is my American car built in Mexico? This is the absolute bullshit that causes racial tensions. Why is it not okay to be human? The Internet has a lot of ugly places because it is hard to get along. Don't make life harder.
··· 4y, 21w reply
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