📉 Bill Ok so IMO future of civilization rests on us harnessing fusion energy. Discuss
Mhmm 32 CSP sites producing 5GWh/day in the US along the sunbelt with towers about 887 meters high and 1.02MM meters2 of heliostat surface area each, can produce about double the current US energy consumption today. Dubai just completed on for about 950 MW (with about 700 MW of CSP) on June 16th at a cost of around $4.3 billion. if its similar in costs to the Chile plant in 2017 the can profit from $0.05kwh. This also uses the typical nan03+ kno3 salt and not higher delta k salts
☕ David Antoine That would be a site to behold... What would that cost? 15 to 20 billions? Honestly it should maybe already have started. When you can use solar on a big scale you should do it. Provided you get political support I guess. Which in turn suppose those politicians not to be lobbied by big energy corporations. Also, as far as I know, no need for supraconducting cable for long distances. If you transport current in continuous form, losses are very low. It is more costly though..
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Mhmm > Provided you get political support I guess. > Which in turn suppose those politicians not to be lobbied by big energy corporations. Yeah, these are the biggest problems I see at least in the US. All of NREL work has been put to better use abroad so far lol current operators have recommend scaling up by a factor 3 for plant sizes from concept, so it will probably be a couple of years until the first ~5GW plant gets built after lessons are learned from the 1 in dubai
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