🐢 Xia It would be nice to have a little "thumbs up", "+1" or "heart" button, just to tell someone I liked their post or reply. Doesn't need a counter or ranking mechanism. Just to quickly show at least one person liked what you said.
☕ David Antoine Had the same idea but I think you can see how many "saves" a post have. Kinda the same thing as a like. Someone find your post interesting and saves it. Without seeing who did it. It's nice too...
🐢 Xia Yeah, "saves" might be the best indicator for likes here, though not very intuitive ;-)
⌨️ Joseph I think it is kinda neat that there are no likes. Getting likes on your content is one of the tools big social media uses to get you hooked. Dopamine and whatnot.
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🐢 Xia I agree, it's a slippery slope. I was only thinking of a simple way to say thank you, without it being a for popularity.
4y, 9w reply
🤔 David I'd get a bigger kick out of spawning a large discussion based on one of my posts. At least, that's what would be my primary motivator for writing content here.
4y, 9w reply