🏕️ Autumn How do I report content? Just saw the N word being used as a username. :/
🧔 Justin I think you can make arguments about censorship and slippery slopes, but at the end of the day, it's going to be hard to take a message board seriously that allows those sorts of usernames to exist.
4y, 13w 4 replies
🐶 Ted Bumby I'm curious what type of social media sub reply is going for. Is it more like an old school forum with some 21st century style to it? I like that it's kind of anon. But it does seem a little 4chan-ish to have the n-word for your name.
4y, 13w 2 replies
🌚 Nlggers I am also curious about this. I think in a general sense there is under-appreciated value in the older style communities found in anonymous boards like BBS systems. In this case there is user registration so identity persists across threads which is unlike anonymous BBS (or 4chan for that matter). I suppose we'll have to see how things pan out.
4y, 13w 1 reply
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🤔 David My take on old BBS systems is that they are filled with knowledge and great information.
4y, 13w reply