💸 Jumar Martin I give too many social media services my data but... I don't care?
Prince why not?
4y, 23w 12 replies
💸 Jumar Martin During high school I was always lectured on "having a brand" as if social media services getting your data was inevitable. With that being the case, I was told that one should curate their position on the internet so it shows your "best self" as much as possible, no matter what. With me being hyper-conscious of my face on the internet, I find that what I do "provide" is manageable... or so I think.
4y, 23w 11 replies
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📉 Bill That explains social justice culture a bit. Everyone is trying to look their *best*
4y, 23w 1 reply
💸 Jumar Martin I believe it explains "humans" more than anything else. It is just exacerbated with how connected we are as a society now than any other period in human history.
4y, 23w reply
Bat If it's any help, I don't like you whatsoever.
4y, 23w 1 reply
💸 Jumar Martin It does help to remind myself that people don't actually care!
4y, 23w reply
🎣 Fish that nauseating
4y, 23w 6 replies
💸 Jumar Martin It is, but it has become the norm. I can't express how unfortunate it is but I have to play the game?
4y, 23w 5 replies