😀 Tom Holly Cow! There's a lot of new users. Check out the and say hi to everyone.
🏴‍☠️ Serge Keller Yes, there was a mention of Sublevel over on lobste.rs: lobste.rs/s/ouenw7... (that's how I got here, anyway)
8y, 35w 5 replies
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Haaktu Same here. I think this is cool.
8y, 35w reply
Eric I'd forgotten about that site, is it still invite only?
8y, 35w 2 replies
Haaktu Not anymore. I signed up without one.
8y, 35w reply
Charlie Yep, let me know if you want an invite.
8y, 35w reply
Martijn Ah, that's cool. There is always an influx of people when Sublevel gets mentioned somewhere. But very few stick around. Here's to hoping more people stick this time!
8y, 35w reply