'((developer) (artist) (linux enthusiast) (student) (ninja)) ; insert witty comment here
Martijn I never understood why ActivityStreams would be good for websites to have, when AS isn't conveyed in HTML. I write a lot of the HTML on my blog by hand (so I can fuss over every little semantic detail of a blockquote) and it is just way easier to throw in some microformats that make the feed parsable then to make sure some secondary JSON/ATOM format comes into existence.
Charlie Ah, good point. I'm not a fan of XML, but I see the use of HTML purely for formatting purposes.
7y, 6d reply
Martijn You won't find me on Mastodon any time soon, as I have given up my believe in OStatus. I would love to be proven wrong, but until I am I will stick to the ideas of indieweb.org as those are closer to how I think the 'net should interconnect.
Charlie What issues do you find with ostatus?
Eric I'd forgotten about that site, is it still invite only?
Charlie Yep, let me know if you want an invite.
8y, 3w reply
😀 Tom Yeah, I like the UI too. I never understood Twitter, but I think I understand Sublevel works for me.
Charlie Yeah, I'm a fan of minimal UIs. No bloat gets in way (unlike Twitter's 2-something MB pages full of junk JS and CSS).
8y, 3w reply
Charlie Oooh, sublevel has a pretty cool looking API. One of the biggest disappointments of Twitter was how closed down it got. Looks like Sublevel solved most of Twitter's problems. Really digging the UI too :)
😀 Tom Yeah, I like the UI too. I never understood Twitter, but I think I understand Sublevel works for me.
Mark Dain Yeah I've been meaning to build a tool to notify me with Pushover if there's a new post on Sublevel. I wrote one in Go a while back but it had some weird bug and I never managed to fix it :(
8y, 3w reply