Charlie Oooh, sublevel has a pretty cool looking API. One of the biggest disappointments of Twitter was how closed down it got. Looks like Sublevel solved most of Twitter's problems. Really digging the UI too :)
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Mark Dain Yeah I've been meaning to build a tool to notify me with Pushover if there's a new post on Sublevel. I wrote one in Go a while back but it had some weird bug and I never managed to fix it :(
8y, 24w reply
😀 Tom Yeah, I like the UI too. I never understood Twitter, but I think I understand Sublevel works for me.
8y, 24w 1 reply
Charlie Yeah, I'm a fan of minimal UIs. No bloat gets in way (unlike Twitter's 2-something MB pages full of junk JS and CSS).
8y, 24w reply